Island of Afterparties

︎︎︎ Live site!

Made as a post-event reflection space for FUTURE WIFE: Party in A Spreadsheet, in September 2021. Includes audience-created content and responses. 

The Party was a live, interactive experience in Google Sheets: an “adaptation” of my play FUTURE WIFE. It felt like an online Sleep No More: participants could decide to follow unfolding performer “tracks”, mill around and talk to strangers, or create and destroy at will. (Everyone in the sheet had full editing access.)

The Island of Afterparties was created as a chiller, slightly more structured space for participants to talk about how the Party made them feel. It was designed as an “island” with defined locations for sharing specific categories of thoughts + feelings: “High Elevation Rainforest of Unmet Desire”, “Sea Cave of Contemplation”, “Meadow of Hopes for the Future”, etc. It felt more appropriate than sending a feedback form with 1-10 scale ratings.